Join our activities and get your first international experience


  i living labs     hackathons     bootcamps     learning snacks   
  appetizers     int. engagement circus    

Looking  for an international experience? We got it!

All our activities offer you an international experience and the opportunity to  set your own goals, develop your skills and work on real life challenges  to make a difference in your community.
On top of that you definitely will  meet some interesting people from different countries.

So wether you have 36h or 5 weeks available or something in between? We can offer you something that fits your needs.

Activities for 2023-2024

Activities for 2024-2025


What are I Living Labs, Hackathons, Bootcamps ? And how to make a choice?

Our magazine  gives a short explanation about all our activities.
If you find it hard to choose, than use our profiles to find out what suits you best. You can find the Value Spotter, Curious Passengers, Cautious Free Ranger, Knowledge Bridger and Easy Choicemaker in our  magazine.

Upcoming event: The Bootcamp

Are you ready to revolutionise healthcare?
Are you free from 1 till 5 July?
Are you up for an experience you won't soon forget?

Join the Bootcamp! 

All info on but read this first

Specific info for UCLL students that you won't find on the website:

- the bootcamp will take place in Hasselt (city center)
- we have limited seats for UCLL-students. Don't wait to apply. Registration starts 6 May and ends 17 May.
- for the entire week we ask a fee of €200. This covers all costs during that week (the programme, speakers, locations, food, transport ...). Only if you wish to snack in between or do a fun activity during a free moment, you will need extra money.  
- not included in the fee is your transport to the bootcamp and back home
- it might be difficult to add the bootcamp to your ISP (as it is closed now). But you can still join the bootcamp and add it to your ISP next year. Or join the bootcamp without receiving ECTS.


Info and registration for the Bootcamp 2024 


How to apply?

If you wish to participate, this is how it works.

  • when registration is open, you registrate via the E³UDRES² website.
  • for most activities we ask a motivation, as places are limited
  • when you are accepted, you can add the correct ECTS-fiche to your ISP

You can find the correct ISP-codes and application or registration forms in the table below.

Application or Registration Form?  Yes there is a difference!

Some activities have limited places. For those activities we have an application form. In this form we ask to motivate your candidacy by answering 3 questions. This motivation is assessed by E³UDRES² and you will receive an answer (positive or negative) within a reasonable amount of time. 
When places to an activity aren't limited, you can register immediately for the event via the registration form.



Learning Snack 1 (IEC) 2023

This event is over.This event is over.

Learning Snack 2 (Hackathon) 2023

This event is over.

This event is over.

I Living Lab Online 2024

Registration is closed.

Registration is closed.

I Living Lab Hybrid 2024

Registration is closed.

Registration is closed.

Bootcamp 2024

ISP-code: QS0027

Application form (soon available)

ISP-code: MGD14E

Application form (soon available)


What other students say about E³UDRES² activities

Robbe, Nikoleta, Bert, Selin and Victor are just 5 of the more than 250 UCLL-students who participated already at one of our activities.


Questions? Contact us:



Have a look at the  aftermovie to get a feel of what a  I Living Lab - Hybrid (also known as Blended I Living Lab)  is:


Listen to what students  have to say about the I Living Labs. 




Quick questions and answers

 How does an I Living Lab  or a Hackathon or a Bootcamp or 
Together with international students who signed up for the same I Living Lab you will tackle a real life problem and search for solutions. Every student has a different background and comes from a different study program. This makes it easy to come up with transdisciplinary solutions.

 Do I get ECTS? 
Of course! Depending on what you choose you get ECTS. Scroll up!

 Who will be on my team? 
9 Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) are in this project. This means you'll team up with Portuguese, Latvian, Romanian, Hungarian, Austrian, Finnish, Dutch, German and Belgian students.
Some of them are Erasmus students, which means that you can have  students from around the world in your team.
Next to students, you'll also have a coach on your team and of course the challenge owner.

 Which language do we speak ? 

 What does the coach do? 
The coach, or educational entrepreneur, is often a teacher from one of the universities of applied sciences. They won't teach stuff, but will guide you through the activity. This means they will help if you are lost or they can offer interesting pieces of information on the moment you need them.

 What's a challenge owner? 
This can be an entrepreneur, an organisation, a local authority, a civilian ... and they will  present their challenge to your team and guide you through your journey.

 Can I sign up? 
Check the table above. If there is an ISP-code and an application or registration form, you can apply or registrate.
If you want to be updated on activities or news, such as registrations, you can leave your contact details on our website and we will contact you.

 How do I sign up? 
You need to do 2 things:
- add the activity to your ISP. ISP is open twice a year.  Consult the calendar for dates. If you are having trouble, contact us.
- register or apply via the form. You can find them in the table.

 Application or registration? 
Yes there is a difference!
Some activities have limited places. For those activities we have an application form. In this form we ask to motivate your candidacy by answering 3 questions. This motivation is assessed by E³UDRES² and you will receive an answer (positive or negative) within a reasonable amount of time. 
When places to an activity aren't limited, you can register immediately for the event via the registration form.

 How do I make a choice? 
Easy peasy. Look for what suits you and go for it.

 Do I get the chance to travel ?
That depends on your choice.
Check the overview on this page.
If there is traveling included, make sure to keep those dates free because traveling is compulsory. All travel expenses are covered by E³UDRES². Check out the dates on the website soon.

 Is it expensive? 
Not at all. You don't need books or courses. Only a computer and internet. If there is traveling included in your I Living Lab, the expenses are covered by E³UDRES².

 Is it difficult? 
Not at all. If you're open to develop a creative mindset, you'll find the experience easy. Just open your mind and go with the flow. Use the skills you have and develop new skills.

 I'm a first year student. Can I join? 
Yes, all students are welcome. If you are a second or third year student, you have some ECTS that you can choose freely. First year students might not have free ECTS, but don't let that stop you. If you want to join and you have the time (maybe you have some exemptions (vrijstellingen)) you are welcome to join. Talk to your STC (study traject coach) to find out the options.

 Subscriptions are not open yet. Can you remind me?
Yes!. Leave your details on our website and we notify you when subscriptions start.


  i living labs     hackathons     bootcamps     learning snacks